India Roast(ed)!!??

In December, the comedy group All India Bakchod, henceforth referred to as AIB here, brought a new form of comedy to India, Roasting. They did a show somewhere in a Mumbai stadium with 4000 people attending the first of its kind show in India with profits going to charity. They decided to roast actors Ranveer Singh and Arjun Kapoor. I know I am a little late but I would like to share my views on it too.

‘Roast’ is a form of comedy that has been around since the 1950s. For those who do not know, it is a form of insult comedy where a panel of ‘roasters’ have a go at the ‘guests of honor’, making jokes at their expense for the entertainment of the wider audience. The fans, well-wishers and friends present during the roast sometimes also receive the treatment during the evening.

Now this particular roast was unknown before an edited version was put up on YouTube by AIB, where it went viral. It received its fair share of slack for not being funny and some of the jokes being too mean and repetitive. Some parts were funny, like Alia Bhatt shouting to convince that she knows what ISIS is, but yes it could have been a lot better. It looked a little bit rehearsed where it should have looked all impromptu. Soon after it went viral, someone from the ‘Indian Moral Police’ watched it and rest, as they say, is history.

It looks as if taking offence is something people in India have started doing as their part time job. After taking offence of films like OMG and PK, this time it was the roast. The only difference is at least this time I can imagine what could have offended the people.

When the video started, there was a warning about the obscene content. Before the roast began, Karan Johar said that this was going to be very filthy. You had all the power in the world to close the tab and go back to surfing through your crushes facebook pictures. But no, everyone who watched it decided that yes I want to see this no matter what. You guys got it for free, 4000 people paid to sit there and watch the show live. Someone said, “It was not a show you can watch with your family.” That is the truest statement to have been spoken by a politician in a long, long time. Sir, if you wanted to watch something with your family, you should have chosen a Rajshri Productions movie because that is the only place still untouched by the sudden boom in the maturity level of Bollywood (giving Sunny Leone a place in the industry was one of the big steps). A roast, as rightly warned at the beginning, is by definition offensive. If you follow AIB, you may know many of their videos have been on the lines of ‘not to be watched with family’. All the hue and cry has been over the language which all Indian citizens above the age of 16(usually) are familiar with and are not afraid to use in public too. As Karan Johar said this was not everyone’s cup of tea, you could have avoided it if it wasn't. No one tied your hands and forced you to see.

But all has not gone in vain. Everyone has cashed in on this little drama. First, the politicians have shown their presence that yes we are here protecting the culture. We are offended by the foul language that was used, which by the way can be often heard even around in the parliament used by these 'guardians of our culture' themselves. God only knows when these guys will take offence by the joke that the safety issue of women has become, the dirty streets, and the foul state of people living in their respective assembly areas. But no, that will require them to do actual work and sitting around in AC newsrooms and lecturing won’t do. Secondly, the actors have established themselves as ‘cool’, voice of current generation, the epitomes of free speech. They have proven that they are no different from you and me. Lastly, AIB has made themselves known to anyone who did not know about them. I don’t say it was their intention but yes it has helped them. Today when even YouTube channels are getting competitive (TVF and the likes) with bollywood moving to them for promotions, this attention can only be advantageous. More clicks means more money, it is as simple as that. As the proverb goes, any publicity is good publicity.  

Credit to AIB for trying out something new in India, maybe someday (MAYBE) people with be mature enough. But do not worry AIB, because in less than a weeks’ time everyone will be occupied with the most important event in an Indian’s life, India Vs Pakistan cricket match in a world cup (and god forbid if we lose). And how can we forget, this is the week when the Moral police is the busiest; it’s the Valentine’s week.

So much for freedom, eh?

Feedback Appreciated!

(Some parts might have become unintentionally inspired from the various articles I have read over the last week. Just a coincidence, we share the views I guess.)

PS: If you read this and like it, don’t forget there is the FB page to actually ‘like’. Don’t hesitate. 
