Brace Yourself... Elections are coming!!!

First off, this is not going to be a political blog; this post is but not the blog. This is just me trying out my hand at writing something and utilizing my time better. I chose to write my first post on elections cause this is the thing that is on everybody's mind right now. And with elections barely a month away, what better topic to start my blog with.

For most of the country this is the time when you get to choose who will represent you, who will take your voice and make sure it is heard in the parliament. Of course, your development and the country's development depend on whether the right person has the right job for the next 5 years. For me, a person who has never taken an active interest in politics ever, these elections would have been like any other elections, sitting at home taking a day off. But with all the social media and the constant arguments breaking out randomly in the hostel (sometimes between best of friends), has made sure that these elections are different.

The past 3-4 years have shown what bad governance can do to the country. (I know it should be a balanced writing but you cannot just ignore a fact) The rupee saw its worst, staple items saw a rise in their price making them almost unattainable for the public; corruption has been at an all time high and the continuous news on so many scams that people have really lost count. It will come as a big surprise if someone from the current government is shown to not have been involved in one or the other scam. I will not go on to name each and every scam and discussing them for the simple reason that they have already been covered a lot, and by more able people than myself. But what the uncovering of all these scams has done is make people lose faith in the integrity of the ruling party.

The bad governance gave teeth to the opposition party who has played it very well. The angry people looking for a new leader turned to a man who has proved himself as an able chief in the last 14 years. With a political record that began with violence and him being labeled a Hindu nationalist, one cannot ignore the fact that his policies have made his state the most industrialized in India. He was, and constantly is accused of instigating the riots further but who can prove it? Special Investigation Team appointed by the hon'able Supreme Court of India could not do it. So that leaves us to look at his state which has transformed after the massive earthquake. This, combined with the kind of competition he is facing in these elections surely gives him an upper hand than the rest.

This bad governance had its effect. One man had enough and he decided to take matter into his own hands. He finally took the old age advice that bollywood and many of our uncles so casually give, 'Be a part of the system to change the system.' He rallied against the government and its ways. He accused all the big names and waved all the papers proving their crimes at public events. He did manage to make the big names in Indian politics take notice of him. All his ideas and reformation strategies rang a bell with the 'Aam Aadmi'. He not only contested the state elections but even formed a government. People looking for better governance were willing to give this new guy a chance to prove himself and fulfill all he had promised. What transpired after the elections can be described as 'Unmasking of the hypocrite'. Suddenly all the papers that were so proudly waved, disappeared. Time and again he did complete opposite of what he said. People got to see that he was an empty vessel which made a lot of noise. Now he aims to contest the Lok Sabha elections and maybe he and his party will do well again (after all he has cracked whichever exam he has attempted, in first attempt) but what happens only time and the people of India will tell.

The state elections that took place last year showed a glimpse of what the people are thinking. The huge turnouts mean that all the efforts of various 'Go Out and Vote' campaigns are paying off. As of now many of the opinion polls put 'The Hindu Nationalist' ahead in the race to the top position but will the people of India change their mind at the eleventh hour, for that we can only wait and watch the dance of democracy which will be played out next month.
