
Showing posts from April, 2014


Q utopia. This one word is the reason I have kept coming back to college ( This and semester exams ). When I joined the college, we were given a small book which described about the various societies and the extracurricular activities that took place here. Going through it I was interested in one or two of the societies neither of which were Qutopia. Reason, I had never done any kind of quizzing activity ever in school or for that matter anywhere else. Since we weren’t allowed to join any activity in the first year I did not even try to join any society. (I was a law abiding, afraid of breaking the rules kind of guy )

To be an Author... #WritingWishList

E veryone who has ever written a blog post ( or a diary entry for that matter ) has at some point in their life thought about penning down a book.  It may not be a fully fledged novel but the thought of getting published does occur in the mind from time to time.

For your appreciation only!

W e all need appreciation time and again. We are constantly fishing for words like ‘well done’, ‘good job’ ‘keep it up’. We are living on this god’s earth longing to be appreciated. Whether it is doing something for the public, doing something for our friend( s ), showcasing our talent ( or even writing a blog ), everything that is done is done to get the approval of others. It somehow makes us feel good about ourselves. Earlier it used to be just a figure of speech, to be liked for doing this and that but with social media taking over our lives it has become an actual thing.

Why do I do what I do!

I know it’s a little late but it’s never too late to pay your respects. To the legend, Mr.Khushwant Singh. May your soul rest in peace. L ooks like my plan to write one post per week is not going to happen. I was inactive for a little while before my last entry but I wasn’t sitting ideal. I was going through some of the personal blogs ( like this one ) and found that many of them contained a post talking about why they started writing. So, I thought I should do it too ( In simpler words, I could not think of a better topic to write on in the past couple of weeks).