
Qutopia. This one word is the reason I have kept coming back to college (This and semester exams).

When I joined the college, we were given a small book which described about the various societies and the extracurricular activities that took place here. Going through it I was interested in one or two of the societies neither of which were Qutopia. Reason, I had never done any kind of quizzing activity ever in school or for that matter anywhere else. Since we weren’t allowed to join any activity in the first year I did not even try to join any society. (I was a law abiding, afraid of breaking the rules kind of guy)

Next year, my roommate asked me to join him to one of the Qutopia Saturday session. And I did. I guess that one decision has shaped me into what I am today. When I attended the session I couldn't make the head or tails of even one of the question but somehow I was drawn into it. The opportunity that I got to learn all that facts about the world we live in, various stories behind everything intrigued me. Of course I was scared to death to be surrounded by so many seniors. But the seniors were so supportive and they never let us feel we were novice. Qutopia prides itself for not having a junior-senior system and I am sure it will always remain the same.

I kept attending the sessions, attending the various quizzes and Saturday afternoons were fun. I did not come close to winning anything for a year but when I finally did win; it was a different feeling altogether. Qutopia gave me a chance to interact with the most talented group of people of our college. Without it, I don’t think that my college life would have meant anything. The kind of knowledge pool I have gained just from being regular in the sessions has been tremendous. We have had some close chances at the competitions, winning some, losing others but the experience has been the one to remember.

As this post and my time at KIIT comes to an end, I have a last few words-

To all my seniors, I say thank you for making us comfortable and helping us out whenever we needed you guys.

To my peers, I tip my hat to you. Thank you, it has been a pleasure and it will always be.

To my juniors, make sure the Qutopia flag keeps flying high and reaches even greater height in times to come.

To Qutopia, thank you for being there for me in the past 3 years and I hope the next generation takes even better care of you than what we did.

What Qutopia is cannot be summarized in a single post here. I never have to wonder what would have been if I had joined the societies I had shortlisted for myself in the first year. I know for a fact it could not have been better. 

Hail Qutopia. Pride Forever.


  1. bhaiya, ur time in kiit can never come to an end.. people come and go, legends stay. the present batch of co-ordinators shall stay in our hearts, and through us in the hearts and minds of future batches to come :)


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