Why do I do what I do!
I know it’s a little
late but it’s never too late to pay your respects. To the legend, Mr.Khushwant
Singh. May your soul rest in peace.
Looks like my plan to write one post per week is not going
to happen. I was inactive for a little while before my last entry but I wasn’t
sitting ideal. I was going through some of the personal blogs (like this one) and found that many of
them contained a post talking about why they started writing. So, I thought I
should do it too (In simpler words, I
could not think of a better topic to write on in the past couple of weeks).
To begin with, I always liked reading as far as I can
remember. At the start of each new session brand new books arrived, and I went
straight for the one with all the stories and started reading. It never felt
like it was part of a curriculum (I still
read those school books, they never get old). Apart from those I also
received many books on Christmas and New years and birthdays and general days
as well. Reading took me in a different, parallel world with all the characters
and cities coming alive. I sometimes even did different voices for all the
characters. Time spent reading was the best time spent (Correction, it still is). My zest for reading kept my brain imaginative
and I started doing my own writing (sort
of). I guess I liked to see the writers name in print, the thought of
people remembering them, reading their works long after they had gone impressed
the naïve me.
In the English question paper, the first question was to write
an essay and for that we had to choose from 5 options varying from debate to
intellectual to a completely open topic. I was the guy who did not even read
the first four options and went for the last one, to compose an original story.
Things ran their normal course for majority of the years, and then one fine
morning, out of the blue our teacher praised the last piece I had done in the
exams. When a teacher whom you respect truly praises a work that you feel is
important to you, you can reach cloud nine pretty quickly. One little word of
appreciation and I thought I was Shakespeare. Hence, began a little phase where
I was writing seriously, badly yes, but with full dedication.
Come 2007 and we heard of a new writer whose books everyone (and by everyone I mean everyone) was
reading. Irrespective of whether these people ever read any other piece of
writing but they were keen on reading this guy’s novels. I wondered why? When I
read his work, it felt as if I was reading the script for the next bollywood
movie (and indeed nearly all of his books
have got their celluloid versions). The reason for his success, for his
books being on the reading list of more than half of educated India, I think
was keeping it simple (not to mention
occasional use of swearing and the ‘other’ stuff). I agree the stories were
good, but this IIT-IIM grad knew how to make India read. I can say that the ‘coming’
of this writer during the time when I was seriously delusional that I do write
well, instigated me further. Not as in, ‘I want to be like him’ but more along
the lines of, ‘If he can, no reason I can’t.’
After that small fairy tale phase during the last years of
my school life, I came to a place (which
the world normally calls college) and I stopped. I know I should not have done
it. Maybe a little bit every day would have kept me in the loop but the advanced
technology got to me. What can I say; I was swayed away by a personal laptop
with 24 Hr WiFi connection and really having nothing else to do. People get
better at these things in college and I stagnated. I have finally woken up and
let’s hope I do not stop again.
In fact, this is not my first attempt at blogging. I did put
up one of my story here on this very blog but had to take it down after I got
like zero views. It might have been because I never shared it with anyone (or even remotely mention it) and
expected readers to turn up magically but at that time it felt odd sharing it
on facebook (Not anymore. I am going to
force my writing onto the world). This
time I am here to stay and certainly hope that I do.
What is your story? Why do you do whatever it is that you
do? Tell the world and as always, feedback will be appreciated.
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